Plymouth Diving Welfare
At Plymouth Diving the welfare of our club and members is paramount in all that we
do and everything we aim to achieve.
Role of a Welfare Officer
The Welfare Officer is in place to support all club members, providing a confidential
first point of contact to welfare and/or safeguarding concerns.
A Welfare Officer must undertake a full DBS check and complete training workshops
relevant to the role – this includes the Swim England ‘Safeguarding in Aquatics’,
“Time to Listen” program, ‘Good Governance’ welfare information sessions, Swim
England ‘Foundations of Inclusivity’ session.
Additionally, the Welfare Officer will have a good knowledge of Wavepower (Swim
England’s safeguarding policy) and commit to attending regular regional and national
welfare forums and development sessions.
Welfare Officer – Emma Waines
I am a practicing Occupational Therapist currently working with children, young
people and families presenting with complex special educational needs and
Since qualification, I have worked within children’s and adult services, across acute,
rehabilitation and community settings, in health, education, social care and mental
health fields.
The knowledge and experience I have gained relating to health, welfare and
safeguarding, enables me to robustly support the club within a volunteer capacity as
welfare officer.
In my free time I enjoy practicing yoga and wild water swimming.
Reporting a Welfare Concern
Urgent Concerns
In a situation where it is believed that a child, young person or adult is at immediate
risk of harm or has been harmed, and you are unable to contact the club Welfare
Officer, immediate contact should be made with the relevant statutory support
Tel – 999 or 101 for non-emergencies
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
Tel – 01752 668000
Email – mash@plymouth.gov.uk
If outside of normal working hours, contact Plymouth Out of Hours Service –
Tel – 01752 346984.
Local Area Designated Officer (LADO)
Tel – 01752 306758
Email – LADO@plymouth.gov.uk
If outside of normal working hours, contact Plymouth Out of Hours Service –
Tel – 01752 346984
NSPCC Child Protection Helpline
Tel – 0808 800 5000
Please record the name and contact details of the person you have spoken to
taking details of the incident/referral reference number is applicable.
Report this information to the club Welfare Officer as soon as possible for them
to then record and follow up any further actions/support required.
Other Welfare/Safeguarding Concerns
If you need support and advice with other welfare/safeguarding concerns, please
contact the club Welfare Officer, Emma Waines –welfare.plymouthdiving@gmail.com
A response will be provided within 48hrs.
Should you not feel comfortable speaking with the club Welfare Officer, you can
contact the Devon County Welfare Officer Rosemary Jane Brimacombe (contact
details can be found here. ); And/or Swim England Southwest Welfare and
Governance Officer, Libby Bell at libby.bell@swimming.org. Further information about how to report a safeguarding concern to Swim England. Safeguarding team can be viewed here https://www.swimming.org/swimengland/judicial-safeguarding-regulations/ Further information about how to report a complaint to Swim England can be found https://www.swimming.org/swimengland/how-raise-concern-complaint/ Further information and a full copy of Wavepower 2024 (Swim England’s safeguarding policy and procedural guidance) can be viewed further down the page.
Wider Support, Advice and Guidance
Below are some other organisations and helplines who can provide free and
accessible advice and support relating to welfare and safeguarding, health and
wellbeing of everyone.
Please get in touch with the club welfare officer should you need guidance on which
can best help you.
NSPCC Childline (childline.org.uk)
Childline offers free, confidential advice and support whatever your worry,
whenever you need help.
Tel – 0800 1111
NSPCC Child Protection Helpline (nspcc.org.uk)
NSPCC offers 24/7 helpline for families, parents, professionals.
Tel – 0808 800 5000 (24 hours).
Email – help@NSPCC.org.uk
NSPCC Child protection in Sport Unit (thecpsu.org.uk)
CPSU offer advice and guidance relating to keeping children and young
people safe whilst participating in sport and physical activity.
Tel – 0116 366 5626
Email: cpsu@nspcc.org.uk
MIND (Mind.org.uk)
MIND offer support and advice to people experiencing mental health
Tel – 0300 123 3393
Young Minds (Youngminds.org.uk)
Young Minds focus on supporting and improving mental health of children and
young people, helping to get the support needed when it is needed. Tel – 0808 802 5544
Shout (shout.org)
Shout offer a 24/7 text messaging service for anyone who is struggling to
cope and feel they need mental health support.
Text – ‘SHOUT’ to 85258
Harmless (harmless.org.uk)
Harmless offer support to people experiencing or thinking about self-harm.
Selfharm UK (selfharm.co.uk)
Selfharm UK offer support for 10/17yr olds in crisis.
Kooth (Kooth.com)
Kooth offers free, safe and anonymous online mental wellbeing support.
Samaritans (samaritans.org)
Samaritans offer listening and support to people and communities in taking
action to prevent crisis and in times of need.
Tel – 116 123
Email – jo@samaritans.org
NHS111 (111.nhs.uk)
Committee Members, Officials, and Volunteers
Wavepower is Swim England’s safeguarding policy and procedures document.
Its aim is to ensure everyone is able to enjoy our sports and aquatic activity in a safe, positive and enjoyable environment in line with current legislation, regulations and guidance.
All Swim England affiliated clubs and organisations must adopt Wavepower and the current version can be downloaded below.
At the beginning of 2024, an updated version of Wavepower was published.
Further Information can be found here.