Divers of The Month
December Diver of the month
Winner-Scarlett Colbourne. Voted by fellow divers
Coaches words: Scarlett Colbourne very consistent on training, paid off at London legacy making the final on 3 meters and looking forwards for Armada cup next month go Scar!
Winner-Harry Westbury. Voted by fellow divers.
Coaches words: Harry Westbury have done well and up his game and will have a shot to qualify for junior elites at armada cup next month ..Go hazza
November Diver of the month
Winner-Eva Lang. Voted by fellow divers
Coaches words: Eva qualified for her first ever final at age group level at Southampton invitationals on platform qualifying in 2nd !! In that comp it was her first time competing all her new optionals and since then she’s come back to Plymouth and learnt 405c on 7m to add to it well done Lang.
Winner- Theo Wills. Voted by fellow divers
Coach- Tommy
Coaches words: Over the last couple weeks Theo’s diving has come on crazy amount he went from not being able to hit skills qualification score to then not only hitting it and Pete Waterfield but coming away with a bronze medal. He works super hard and makes me laugh ever day, keep smashing it willsy.
October Girls diver of the month:
Winner- Ivy-May Davey. Voted by fellow divers
Coach- Sally
